behinderte Menschen (BAG WfbM)
Oranienburger Straße 13/14
10178 Berlin
Telephon: +49 30 - 94 41 33 00

Board Chairman:
Martin Berg
The association was established on 18th June 1975.
Register of associations number 39690 B
Value added tax ID number DE 221 803 394
Area of jurisdiction is Berlin
realization: netwit
The internet site of BAG WfbM, its structure and all functions, information, data and texts contained in it, pictures and audio files as well as all components used for the functioning of this site are subject to the legally protected copyright of BAG WfbM. The user may use contents only in the context of offered functionalities for his own use and acquires no right to contents, texts, pictures, data and programmes.
On request the BAG WfbM willingly agrees to linking or to the further use of contents in other media.
Despite careful and regular control the BAG WfbM cannot assume any liability or warranty for the completeness, correctness or topicality of the information made available on this web site. This also applies to all connections (“links”) of third offers, to which this web site refers directly or indirectly. The BAG WfbM is not responsible for contents of a side which can be reached with such a link. The BAG WfbM reserves itself the right to change parts of the sides or the entire offer without separate announcement, to supplement, to delete or to stop the publication temporarily or ultimately.