The federal regulations are implemented at the state level. Here, the federal states can decide for themselves which authority or authorities are responsible.
Authority in charge
The law applicable to sheltered workshops is a federal law. The responsible authority for sheltered workshops is the Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Mr. Hubertus Heil from the Social Democratic Party of Germany, who has been in office since March 2018. In the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, it is Directorate-General V – Participation / Matters concerning Persons with Disabilities / Social Compensation / Social Assistance, which is in charge of sheltered workshops. Head of the DG is Dr. Annette von Kalckreuth. Division V a 2 of this DG is in charge of the participation of severely disabled persons, Workshops for Persons with Disabilities and the rehabilitation fund. Head of the division is Dr. Peter Mozet.

Who we are
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen e. V. (BAG WfbM) is the political representative of sheltered workshops in Germany. We represent 93 % of all German workshops. All public welfare organisations and religious denominations work jointly in our organisation.
Our task is to give expert advice on questions related to employment, vocational training, financing and legal issues. Additionally, we are actively involved in the legislation process. BAG WfbM promotes for the participation of persons with disabilities in working life.
Our task is to give expert advice on questions related to employment, vocational training, financing and legal issues. Additionally, we are actively involved in the legislation process. BAG WfbM promotes for the participation of persons with disabilities in working life.